Aged Care Yarning Expo promotes continued work
23 May 2024An interactive expo promoting the valued work of Brisbane North PHN's Healthy Ageing and Care Coordination teams was held earlier this month at the PHN's Lutwyche office.
The event showcased for our staff the various programs and services commissioned by the PHN to support conditions that affect older people, including:
- cardiac health
- social isolation
- dementia care
- falls and frailty
- My Aged Care
- palliative care
- intergenerational programs
- Care Finder
- residential aged care programs
- ageism.
Participants rotated around the room, engaging in activities and discussion that gave insight into the PHN's support of these initiatives and areas of need. Both teams were enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge with the wider PHN team of their colleagues.
Thank you to the Healthy Ageing and Care Coordination teams for engaging us in your work in this space.