
Get in touch with Brisbane North PHN.

Moreton bay fig WEB RGB

Lutwyche office

Level 1, 120 Chalk Street, Lutwyche
PO Box 845, Lutwyche Qld 4030

P: 07 3630 7300
E: info@brisbanenorthphn.org.au

Visitor carparking

Download information on visitor carparking at our Lutwyche office

Key contact information

General Practice Support

P: 07 3490 3495 (Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 4.00 pm)
E: practicesupport@brisbanenorthphn.org.au

COVID-19 and PPE Support

E: covid19@brisbanenorthphn.org.au

GP Smart Referrals

E: gpsr@brisbanenorthphn.org.au

Head to Health (previously My Mental Health Service Navigation)

P: 1800 595 212 (Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm)
E: headtohealth@brisbanenorthphn.org.au

Provide feedback

Email us

Feedback and complaints guide

For further information download our feedback and complaints guide.


Feedback to the Department of Health

You may choose to directly engage with the Department of Health to seek a review of the PHN’s management, handling or decision regarding feedback we have provided to you.

To seek a review by the Department of Health, feedback can be submitted to PHN.Complaints@health.gov.au or at the following address:

PHN Operations Section
Program Delivery Branch
Health Grants and Network Division
Australian Government Department of Health
GPO Box 9848
Canberra ACT 2601

A copy of the Department’s PHN Program Complaints Policy can be found on the Department website.


We encourage ethical reporting of wrongdoing. We are committed to ensuring that whistleblowing disclosures are appropriately investigated, assessed and managed to address wrongdoing, and to ensuring that those who make disclosures are supported and protected from reprisals. We will keep the disclosure and identity of the whistleblower confidential while ensuring complaints are properly managed.

Contact independent service Stopline who are experienced in impartially and confidentially managing disclosures.

More information on whistleblower protection can be found via the ASIC website. If you require more information on the PHN’s whistleblower policy and procedure please contact the Executive Manager | People, Culture and Communications on 07 3630 7324.

Group on laptop WEB RGB

Contribute to Brisbane North PHN

Contribute an event, research survey, research study or trial or a job listing to our website.