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Collaboratives - Palliative Care and Residential aged care

Collaborative groups bring individuals and organisations together to identify local issues, problem solve and promote communication that supports coordination of care for people in the community.

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Our health care collaboratives involve representatives from across the local health and community aged care sectors working with each other to achieve common goals.

They also provide networking opportunities for health care professionals and promote capacity-building through participation and sharing ideas with other members.


Learn more about our collaboratives

Brisbane North Allied Health Collaborative

The collaborative provides peer development support and improves communication and partnership between primary and secondary health care providers and allied health professionals.

Brisbane North Community Palliative Care Collaborative

To improve the palliative care journey for people in the Brisbane North region by facilitating stakeholder networking, information exchange and joint problem solving.

Residential Aged Care Collaboratives

To improve the care journey for residents in aged care by promoting collaborative practice and information sharing between local health professionals working in Residential aged care, Hospital and Primary Care.

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Reports and downloads

Download reports from our collaboratives and other published materials.

Solutions to the chronic wounds problem in Australia: A call to action

Recommendations paper developed in collaboration with the Wounds Management Innovation Cooperative Research Centre.

Driving change to support healthy ageing

An overview of our collaboratives and other aged and community care initiatives.