Commonwealth Home Support Program
Healthy@home is a consortium of 18 leading organisations who are experienced in supporting people with diverse needs, characteristics and life experiences.
Our aim is to improve health outcomes for people in our community with a focus on people 65 and over. To achieve this, we collaborate with consumers, service providers, hospitals, GPs and government.
Brisbane North PHN and the healthy@home consortium organise quarterly aged care forums for healthcare professionals working in community care, residential care and acute care. These forums provide up-to-date sector information, professional development and networking opportunities.
To receive notifications of upcoming forums or for more details, contact us.
EveryWORD Counts is a language guide to address ageism in aged care settings and the broader community. It was written and produced by The Benevolent Society in conjunction with Brisbane North PHN.
The guide contains simple tools and practical advice for all people who work in aged care, from nurses to managers and administrative staff. The language guide follows the Aged Care Royal Commission’s recommendation for a new human rights-based Aged Care Act, that puts older people at the centre of the discussion.
A national resource for health professionals to support patients to access aged care services.
This white paper identifies the current and potential roles of PHNs in supporting healthy ageing. It creates the blueprint for the PHN Cooperative to lead and engage with the healthy ageing agenda.
Service Navigator is a helpline available to health professionals for advice and information about health and community services available throughout north Brisbane and the Moreton Bay Regional Council areas.
Contact the Service Navigator on 1800 250 502 or for more information visit the find a provider page.
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians within our region: the Jagera, Turrbal, Gubbi Gubbi, Waka Waka and the Ningy Ningy peoples of where we meet, work and learn. Brisbane North PHN is committed to reconciliation. Our vision for reconciliation is where the stories of our First Nations’ people are heard and shared, and networks are formed.