Care finder program
The care finder service targets older Australians who need intensive support who could otherwise fall through the cracks.

The program was designed to assist older Australians who are eligible for aged care services, have no carer or support person that can appropriately assist them, and require intensive assistance for one or more reasons including communication issues, difficulty understanding or making decisions, reluctance to engage with aged care or government services, or will be in an unsafe situation if they do not receive intensive support.
Eligible population:
- need help with one or more everyday tasks
- be aged 65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) OR 50 years or older (45 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) on a low income and homeless or at risk of being homeless
- be eligible for government funded aged care support.
Target population:
- people who have one or more reasons for requiring intensive support to interact with My Aged Care, access aged care services and/or access other relevant supports in the community
- require specialist and intensive assistance to understand and access aged care and connect with other relevant supports in the community.
For more information, visit the My Aged Care website.
Brisbane North PHN care finder service providers
Micah Projects – with a focus on forgotten Australians.
07 3029 7070
World Wellness Group – with a focus on people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
0490 814 480
Communify Queensland (consortium with Micah Projects and Queensland Positive People) - focus on people living in the North Brisbane sub-regions.
07 3510 2772
Footprints Community – with a focus on people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, with additional support available for people in other groups in Moreton Bay and Somerset.
Queensland Council for LGBTI Health (Queensland AIDS Council) – with a focus on the LGBTIQ+ community.
0435 009 653