Health Alliance comes together to address complex issues in the region
13 November 2023The Health Alliance represents Brisbane North PHN and Metro North Health's ongoing commitment to tackling system barriers in line with our shared vision for our community – one where people experience a seamless, integrated and navigable system of care that delivers quality health outcomes closer to home.
The Health Alliance is governed by a Joint Board Committee, which works strategically to break down barriers in healthcare in Brisbane’s north and across the Moreton Bay Region by providing a platform for health innovation, where patient-centred ideas and initiatives are developed, tested, and evaluated.
For some time Brisbane North PHN and Metro North Health have been exploring new ways of bringing community, service providers and government agencies together to address complex social determinants affecting young families in the Caboolture region.
Last month, PHN CEO Libby Dunstan and Ian Purcell, General Manager | Health Alliance joined the team at Yarrabilba Family and Community Place to learn about their community hub model, which engages multiple agencies and service providers as part of a dedicated multidisciplinary hub which supports families in this region to thrive.
The Health Alliance will take learnings from this meeting into their continued work in this space.