Supporting chronic disease management this World Diabetes Day
16 November 2023World Diabetes Day was established by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organisation (WHO). This worldwide campaign, held on or around November 14 each year, is an important awareness raising event, ensuring diabetes remains top of mind publicly and politically. The “special” date marks Sir Frederick Banting’s birthday who – in partnership with Charles Best – discovered insulin in 1922.
Awareness campaigns like this, as well as ongoing research and development, are critical for helping to tangibly improve the lives of people living with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Brisbane North PHN is proud to collaborate with allied organisations like Diabetes Australia and JDRF Australia to promote awareness of early recognition and treatment preventing diabetes ketoacidosis (a serious condition which can occur as a complication of diabetes). Diabetes Australia assist patients with resources and educational events, and JDRF Australia promote community awareness events like the Moreton Bay One Walk (pictured below).
Our Brisbane North PHN Primary Care Engagement Quality Improvement and Development team are also committed to working with general practice (GPs and practice nurses) in Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) activities (supporting the PIP 10 Quality Improvement measures) to support diabetes patients and other chronic disease cohorts.

Pictured is Ally, Chronic Disease Management Nurse from Nundah Village Family Practice and Brisbane North PHN Engagement Officer QI&D Tammy Archdall engaged in in-practice diabetes continuous quality improvement work.
A reminder to know the 4T early signs! Learn the signs and use this World Diabetes Day as an opportunity to learn more about diabetes and diabetes management.