Towards better engagement with GPs: Brisbane North PHN’s publications review
09 August 2023Introducing GP Link – your local source of GP news.
Following an extensive 6-month review of our communications channels, Brisbane North PHN’s Communications and Engagement team are pleased to announce recent changes to our publications schedule.
Our vision as PHN’s Communications and Engagement team is to ensure that we are communicating critical, targeted, clinical, primary care information directly to GPs and health care service providers in the right way, and at the right time. During this consultative process, our PHN GPLOs, Board members and other GP and primary healthcare stakeholders were asked to provide feedback on how we could adapt our current communications strategy to best achieve this.
This review has culminated in the introduction of our new GP Link publication – a dedicated, weekly bulletin of north Brisbane regional health news and updates, and PHN education, training and service pathways. GP Link will replace Network Link as a more targeted and curated publication for GPs in our region, one that we intend to serve as their “local source of health and GP news.”
Our other publications – Practice Link (for practice managers and administrators) and Partners in Health (PHN good news stories and updates for our community and stakeholders) – will remain business as usual. This change ensures that each of our publications has a defined audience, making it easier for readers to determine which publication is most relevant to you and your work.
Subscribe to Brisbane North PHN’s publications.