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Information for GPs

Latest COVID-19 advice for general practice including information on testing criteria, vaccine availability, financial support and personal protective equipment.

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Long COVID and COVID-19 recovery

Post-COVID-19 Syndrome or ‘Long COVID’ may be considered as symptoms extending beyond 12 weeks from initial symptom onset. While knowledge and understanding of post COVID-19 conditions is still evolving, there is some evidence to suggest it may be experienced by up to 30 per cent of people who had a COVID-19 infection and may not be related to the severity of their illness.

Long COVID Pathways

To support General Practitioners and other Health Professionals caring for patients experiencing post COVID-19 symptoms, Healthpathways has published a Long COVID pathway. COVID-19 HealthPathways are regarded as the key sources of truth for clinicians relating to COVID-19. If you are a clinician and don’t have access to HealthPathways, please contact the team on 07 3630 7300 or contact us.

Useful Long COVID resources

Clinical resources
Patient resources
Doctor at keyboard WEB RGB

Caring for patients

All enquiries should be directed to 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84). Access to support and information is available via the HealthDirect Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptom Checker.

GPs should refer to their local HealthPathways for up-to-date information on the clinical management of patients, including escalation pathways if people deteriorate and referral to disease modifying treatments such as monoclonal antibodies.

Testing patients for COVID-19

For the latest information on COVID-19 testing, visit Queensland Health’s COVID-19 testing requirements webpage.

COVID-19 testing requirements

Escalating a patient with COVID-19 to Metro North Health Virtual ED

If you require urgent COVID clinical advice (eg. deteriorating patient, access for monoclonal antibodies) or referral to Virtual Ward:

Contact for clinicians only to Metro North Health Virtual ED:
Hours: 8.00 am to 10.00 pm, 7 days a week
Phone: 1300 847 833
Online: https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/refer-your-patient/virtual-emergency-department

Contact for patients to Metro North Health Virtual ED: https://mnved.health.qld.gov.au/

Outside of these hours, contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).

Patient self-testing tools

Most people can manage COVID-19 at home.

Access HealthDirect Australia COVID-19 symptom checker to answer questions about your symptoms to see if you need to seek medical help or get tested.

Polymerase chain reaction tests (PCR)

PCR tests are no longer required to confirm a positive rapid antigen test (RAT).

Rapid Antigen Test (RAT)

RATs can be purchased at pharmacies and retail stores.


Health Direct Video Call is a secure video consulting platform which has been purpose-built for primary care settings, in line with the changes to the telehealth MBS items. For further information please visit the Healthdirect website.


Medicare continues to support medical practitioners providing clinically relevant treatment to COVID-19 positive people.

View MBS COVID-19 Management Support Service

National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce

The Taskforce works to provide the best COVID-19 evidence that supports clinicians to provide the best possible care for Australians. The Taskforce undertakes continuous evidence surveillance to identify and rapidly synthesise emerging research in order to provide national, evidence-based guidelines for the clinical care of people with COVID-19.

View Taskforce website


HealthPathways contains the most up to date information on support for COVID-19 patients. Your local COVID-19 Case Management HealthPathway is available for clinicians to provide clinical guidance on the assessment, triage and management of COVID-19 positive people in the community.

Visit HealthPathways

PPE suppliers in Australia

The PHN has made every effort to determine the legitimacy of these companies, but cannot guarantee their level of service. This information is being provided to support practices, but it is not an endorsement of the companies listed.

Download the list

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Primary Care COVID-19 vaccine program

Where to direct your general practice queries

The PHN has developed a workflow diagram for GPs, to help you direct your COVID-19 vaccination queries to the right place. Please click through to view or download below.

Download the COVID vaccination query workflow

Pathways for vaccinating Greater Brisbane’s vulnerable people

Brisbane North PHN and Brisbane South PHN are working together to improve access to the COVID-19 vaccine for people who would benefit from additional support.

Download the resource

Flowchart for GP assessment of patients with suspected COVID-19

The flowchart for GP assessment of patients with suspected COVID-19 has been updated by the Queensland HealthPathway Community and GP Liaison Network.

Doctor on phone WEB RGB

Financial support

Drs4Drs support

Staffed by senior GPs and experienced counsellors trained in doctors’ health, Drs4Drs is a free medical service for GPs seeking support. An initiative from the Department of Health and Medical Board of Australia to ensure GPs have access to care and support when they need it. This is a 24/7, free and confidential service you can access by calling 1300 Dr4Drs (1300 374 377).

View more information

Health professionals disability advisory service

The COVID-19 Health Professionals Disability Advisory Service provides specialised advice for health professionals delivering care in primary or acute care settings. During COVID-19, some people with disability may require adjustments to their healthcare to ensure they receive COVID-19 testing and/or treatment with minimum distress.

Healthcare professionals can call the service from 8.00 am to 9.00 pm Monday to Friday on 1800 131 330.