Information for aged care

Supporting COVID-19 in aged care

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COVID-19 information and resources to support residential and community aged care

Protecting older Australians and the people who care for them is a priority. Although all age groups are at risk of contracting COVID-19, older people face significant risk of developing severe illness if they contract the disease.

Oral antiviral treatments and vaccinations remain the best way for us to continue to protect our older Australians from COVID-19

Brisbane North PHN continues to work with the aged care sector to ensure residents, care recipients and staff have access to COVID-19 vaccinations.

If you are needing support, please contact us.

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Preparing and responding to COVID-19

Aged care providers need to remain alert and prepared for a potential outbreak of COVID-19.

The Australian Government (in partnership with state and territory governments) will continue to monitor COVID-19 closely and keep the community updated about any changes to recommended public health actions and measures. A National COVID-19 Community Protection Framework has been developed and outlines response measures that can be scaled-up should the situation change. The Framework also includes advice for high-risk individuals, including older people. All home and community support providers are encouraged to review this advice and share with their care recipients.

Click here to find up to date information and advice for aged care providers, aged care workers and people who receive residential or home care.

If a staff member, resident or care recipient of your service in the North Brisbane region becomes positive with COVID-19, you are responsible for notifying and communicating with the following for assistance:

  • Metro North Public Health Unit 07 3624 1111
  • Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care:

For other regions, click here for contact details of public health units closest to you.

Providers of aged care services should continue to check Commonwealth and Queensland Health updates.

Personal Protective equipment (PPE) Guidance and Support

Providers remain responsible for ensuring they have sufficient PPE stock on hand in preparation for future outbreaks and should continue to source stock through their usual commercial supply chains.

Where a residential aged care facility is experiencing an outbreak and has exhausted all attempts to source PPE from commercial suppliers, requests for PPE can be made via the My Aged Care Provider Portal.

PPE for COVID-19 includes surgical masks, particulate filter respirators (such as P2 or N95), gloves, goggles, glasses, face shields, gowns and aprons. Guidelines on the use of PPE are available on:

Accessing Support

A COVID-19 support line has been set up to provide information and support for older Australians, their families and carers- 1800 171 866.

Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) provides a free and confidential aged care advocacy support line on 1800 700 600

Staff, families and residents can contact the Aged Care COVID-19 Grief and Bereavement Service for free support on 1800 222 200

To find more information or if you have questions:

e: AgedCareCOVIDLiaison@health.gov.au

w: health.gov.au/covid-advice-aged-care

Key resources and information for aged care