Say 'older Australians' not 'the elderly'
Language guide launched to combat ageism

New language guide aimed at ending ageism in aged care
EveryWORD Counts is a language guide to address ageism in aged care settings and the broader community. It was written and produced by The Benevolent Society in conjunction with Brisbane North PHN.
The joint media campaign with EveryAGE Counts to promote the Language Guide resulted in the following media coverage

Radio interviews with EveryAGE Counts spokesperson Joule Pringle, Advocacy Campaigner, Benevolent Society

Media releases were made available in the following publications

Published stories
Aged Care Guide (News Corp), online industry publication, by Bianca Lovino “What to say and what not to say: A new language guide for combatting ageism”
Aged Care Insite (News Corp) by Health Editor Elise Hartevelt) interview with spokesperson Joule Pringle EveryAGE Counts (advocacy campaigner, Benevolent Society)