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Ms Jane Schmitt

GAICD, LLB, LLM, Dip (Bus)

Chair Governance, People and Culture Committee

Jane is a lawyer by profession who has focused her career in healthcare environments. She held the role of CEO at AMA Queensland for over a decade until late 2020 and is currently Executive Director, Mater.

Jane has lead significant advocacy campaigns, engaging with government and stakeholders to improve the way healthcare is delivered in Queensland, with a particular focus on:

  • health equity: access, outcomes and experience
  • access to healthcare in the community, including palliative care, aged care and choices at end of life
  • mental health awareness and funding
  • healthcare needs and expectations of the community, including demographic and generational impacts and the crucial role of primary care
  • linkages between the health system and primary care by involvement of doctors in health care decision making
  • prioritizing investment in the health system based on burden of disease
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health outcomes.

Jane has considerable board experience, sitting on boards in the areas of health, education, sport and research and has also held the role of company secretary.

Jane also provides consultancy advice on strategic planning and governance to associations and small businesses.