Mr Mark Henley
B Bus (Accty) QUT, GAICD
Chair Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee; Joint Board Committee

Mark has over 30 years' of experience in the social services sector having worked in senior executive, CEO and Board roles with respected organisations in Queensland. He has strong leadership, corporate governance, finance and management experience and skills.
Mark held chief executive officer roles with Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) from 2011 to 2020 and Spinal Life Australia from 1999 till 2011. During this time he worked closely with government, business, the community service sector and the broader community resulting in significantly improved outcomes for the people each organisation serves. His focus is creating the best environment possible for services, government and the community to meet the needs of people experiencing poverty and disadvantage to achieve their potential.
Early in Mark’s career he worked as an accountant for a chartered accounting firm and statutory authority, and held the role of corporate services manager for a community organisation. This provided him with strong financial and administrative skills and experience.
Along with this Board role Mark provides advice and support to community and corporate clients. He has previously held positions on the Queensland Plan Ambassador Council and numerous national and state committees across the social services sector.
He is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, has a Bachelor Degree in Accountancy and Graduate Diploma of Community Sector Management.