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Spotlight on the women of Brisbane North and Moreton Bay

24 July 2023
Knowledge, planning and performance

In June, the Knowledge, Planning and Performance (KPP) team turned our attention to deepening our knowledge of the women in our region. Using national publicly available datasets and combining this with our own, we wanted to create a profile – that became our Women’s health snapshot.

Healthy habits: Women in our region are less likely to engage in lifestyle risk behaviours than the national average. Women in the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay region exercise more, are less likely to smoke and more likely to have a healthy weight than women in other parts of Australia.

Mind matters: Females are more likely than males to experience very high psychological distress, and our region has one of the highest presentations to hospital for risk of self-harm by young women. These young women are also affected by eating disorders more than the Australian average.

Mortality: Women in our region live a long time with a life expectancy of 85 years – one of the highest in the world, but this isn’t equal for First Nations people. Like many health outcomes, our First Nations women experience compromised health outcomes compared to the rest of the population.

Read our women’s health snapshot in full.
