Media releases
View the latest Brisbane North PHN media releases.

For all media enquiries, please contact Hugh Suffell on 0456 940 110 or email.
Announced: innovative First Nations focused headspace for Moreton Bay
20 March 2025 - Opening this year, Staying Deadly | headspace Deception Bay will help meet the growing need for mental health support in the region, while providing culturally safe support, care and connection for First Nations teens and young adults.
Find care fast this holiday season
10 December 2024 - FindCareFast is a new virtual navigation service helping people across Greater Brisbane find the right healthcare option for their needs. Launched ahead of the Christmas and New Year period when healthcare options can be limited, the website aims to alleviate the often complicated and overwhelming task of finding the right healthcare service when you are not sure where to go.
Redcliffe consumers to benefit from new approach to complex care coordination
24 January 2024 - Following a successful pilot in the Caboolture region and the subsequent securing of additional funding through the Queensland Health Reform Office and the Commonwealth Primary Care Pilots Program, the Health Alliance Care Collective program has now expanded to the Redcliffe region.
Changing of the guard for Brisbane North PHN Board following 2022-23 AGM
23 November 2023 - Following the Brisbane North PHN Annual General Meeting (AGM) held early November, the PHN Board farewells the wealth of experience and knowledge of one longstanding director, and welcomes the fresh, local perspective of another.
Pilot program for people living with chronic health conditions reduces emergency visits to Caboolture Hospital
Success of Care Collective model sees it expand across region
16 May 2023 - An innovative pilot program, the Care Collective—Caboolture, has recorded a 77 per cent reduction in presentations to Caboolture Hospital emergency department (ED) by those enrolled who live with chronic health conditions. Following the success of the pilot program, the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments have committed further funding to expand support in the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay region.
Women’s health boosted with funding for two endometriosis and pelvic pain clinics
24 March 2023 - Two GP clinics in the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay region—including a dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clinic—have been selected to deliver better services for women suffering from endometriosis and pelvic pain, promising better health outcomes.
Board welcomes new chair and board director at AGM
21 November 2022 - General practitioner, clinical trials researcher and doctors’ health advocate, Dr Jennifer Schafer is taking the reins as chair of Brisbane North PHN’s Board of Directors following the decision of longstanding chair Dr Anita Green to step down.
Say ‘older Australians’ not ‘the elderly’ - Language guide launched to combat ageism
Joint Media Release - EveryAGE Counts
7 November 2022 - Anti-ageism advocacy campaign EveryAGE Counts has launched a new language guide aimed at ending ageism in aged care.
After-hours GP service available on Bribie Island
Joint Media Release - Terry Young MP, Federal Member for Longman
10 October 2022 - Bribie Island residents will have better access to healthcare with an after-hours GP service starting today (10 October) through Bribie Doctors Banksia Beach.
A focus on the future – GP workforce in Queensland
22 September 2022 - The Queensland Primary Health Networks (PHNs) will play a key role in the distribution of the General Practitioner (GP) trainee workforce after being awarded a grant through the Australian Government’s Health Workforce Program.
Four Safe Spaces bring emotional support to people in distress
21 September 2022 - Space Space Network launched in North Brisbane and Moreton Bay region
Mental Health Hubs celebrate findings of evaluation report
29 August 2022 - Three integrated mental health service hubs designed around a pooled funding model have been proven to show a positive impact on the lives of people with severe mental health illness in the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay region.
GPs busier than ever during COVID-19 pandemic
21 June 2022 - Statewide data shows primary care providers play key role in protecting community health as patient attendances increase year on year.
One million vaccinations - one million stories
1 June 2022 - More than a million COVID-19 vaccinations have been administered in the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay region since February 2021 through the huge and dedicated efforts of 268 general practices.
Medical mums and dads urge next generation of parents to immunise their children
28 April 2022 - To mark World Immunisation Week a social media campaign is asking parents and caregivers across the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay region to keep immunising their children against historically serious and life-threatening diseases.
Primary health care leaders appointed to boards
1 April 2022 - Two highly accomplished health leaders have recently been appointed to prominent hospital health boards in Queensland.
Headspace Taringa relocates to Indooroopilly
15 February 2022 - One of Australia’s busiest headspace centres at Taringa has relocated to larger premises at Indooroopilly to keep up with growing demand from young people with mild to moderate mental illness.
New national guide explains aged care referral options
26 July 2021 - An easy-to-follow referral guide is now available to help GPs, specialists and other health professionals support their patients to access aged care services.
Response to Island and Surrounds News regarding access to GPs and health services
22 April 2021 - Brisbane North PHN has released an Invitation to Tender for the Bribie Island After-Hours Pilot Project, following a comprehensive co-design process involving key stakeholders and the local community.
24/7 health advice just a phone call away
15 February 2021 - The face of 24/7 health advice just got a lot more animated, as a campaign featuring a cute, but strife-prone character appears on billboards and screens across North Brisbane this month.