GP Smart Referrals update

Mar 15, 2021

Doctor on phone WEB RGB

Metro North Hospital and Health Service have recently become aware that some service locations in the region are not correctly listed in the GP Smart Referrals service directory, and is currently working to resolve these issues.

The service directory issues concern the following services:

  • Cognition and Memory - Metro North service locations are not currently listed. Please use eReferral or fax for this service, if required.
  • Palliative Care Services – The RBWH service location is listed when referring for this condition, however this is an internal referral only service. Please do not refer to this service location.
  • Gender Services Clinic at RBWH - This service location is not currently listed in GP Smart Referrals. Please use eReferral or fax for this service, if required.

Service directory issues that have now been resolved:

  • Rheumatology - Condition specific referrals for Rheumatology were not listing the appropriate Metro North service locations.

Further advice will be provided as these issues are resolved. If you have any questions or would like to arrange further training on how to use GP Smart Referrals contact the PHN’s Digital Health team on 0474 980 564 or 0402 159 794.

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