New dedicated service to support mental health through COVID-19

June 01, 2020

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Patients whose mental health and wellbeing is suffering as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic now have a dedicated service specifically designed to address the challenges raised by the pandemic.

The Beyond Blue Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service provides a free, 24/7 service that delivers clear, evidence based information, advice and support related to COVID-19.

The service provides information on issues such as coping with loneliness and self-isolation, managing your mental health if you have the virus, ways to deal with job loss and financial stress, supporting friends and family, coping as a healthcare worker, and support for essential workers and small businesses.

The service also provides digital tools and apps to assist people manage their own mental wellbeing, referrals to other services and information as needed, and links to Beyond Blue’s online peer forums.

Access the resources by visiting the website at coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au or by calling the service’s trained mental health professionals on 1800 512 348, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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