Rethinking specialist outpatient services in the region

Dec 15, 2020

Therapist web

The recent impact of COVID-19 on specialist outpatient services in Metro North, along with a rapid transformation to virtual care has highlighted an opportunity for a new approach to the delivery of outpatient services across the region. Brisbane North PHN and Metro North HHS are collaborating with key stakeholders to identify opportunities for service improvement for patients with Category 3 referrals. Stakeholders included general practice and primary care, Metro North HHS specialist outpatient services and consumer and carer representatives.

After engaging with GPs, several pain points have been identified. From these issues, four distinct possible solutions emerged:

  • establishing GP advice lines
  • improving bidirectional communication between GPs and specialist outpatient services
  • establishing shared care models
  • improving availability of information for GPs.

Insights shared by consumer and carer representatives were captured primarily at a principle-level, which supported the need for:

  • timely and effective communication between providers
  • communication and expectation management for patients
  • assistance to navigate health services
  • alignment in care planning between providers
  • person-centred and compassionate care.

The findings of the project suggest there is considerable need for service improvements that aim to address issues identified in the interface between primary care and specialist outpatient services. These issues will contribute to improving care outcomes for patients, particularly those with common and low acuity conditions.

In particular, the immediate priority emerging from the project is the establishment of a service where GPs can obtain clinical advice from specialist outpatient services about patients in the absence of an existing referral.

As new models for managing outpatients are developed the PHN will keep primary care providers informed.

For more information contact the PHN’s Integration Team via administration.integration@brisbanenorthphn.org.au.

Download the Co-design project executive summary.

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