2024 Shingles Webinar

Hosted by Immunisation Coalition

This webinar provides viewers with an update on shingles epidemiology, changes to the NIP schedule, and current trends in vaccination rates.

Low shingles vaccination rates in Australian adults impact the epidemiology of the disease. This webinar explores what current guidelines advise regarding vaccination to reduce disease burden and complications associated from contracting Shingles.

Speaker: A/Prof John Litt

Associate Professor John Litt is a retired academic GP and public health physician in the Discipline of General Practice at Flinders University and was the Deputy Chairman of the National Quality Committee of the RACGP (from 2000-2018).

His major clinical and research interests are in prevention and its implementation. John has over 130 refereed publications (journal articles, book and book chapters). He conducted the first Australian National Influenza and Pneumococcal Survey in older adults in 1998 and the first Australian Zoster Attitudes and Beliefs Survey in older persons and GPs in 2009. More recently he has helped to develop an online COVID Risk Calculator (CoRiCal), which assists the patient decision-making process for COVID vaccination.

John has been a member of several national committees, consortia, and Scientific Advisory Committees including NHMRC, ATAGI, Cancer Australia and NCIRS. He was one of the inaugural directors of the ISG and is currently a member of the Immunisation Coalition’s Scientific Advisory Committee

Moderator: Andrew Minton, PhD

Andrew brings a wealth of experience in medical education, medical information, and pharmaceutical industry expertise across various disease areas. Andrew is, in part, responsible for developing both accredited and non-accredited infectious disease education programs for healthcare professionals.

Please note that for Brisbane attendees, the start time for this webinar is 5pm AEST.

Event details

Nov 20, 2024


05:00 pm - 06:00 pm




0434 188 779



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