Team collaboration in general practice: Mastery and purpose

Hosted by HotDoc

Our three-part series on Team Collaboration in General Practice delves into the critical roles each team member plays within the practice, highlighting how their collaboration enhances patient outcomes and ensures seamless, effective care.

Part 1 - Mastery and purpose within General Practice will cover how strategic planning is essential for guiding an organisation toward long term success. The 6 critical questions framework offers a structured approach to this process, ensuring alignment across all levels of the practice

By answering these six critical questions, organisations can create a clear, actionable, and cohesive strategic plan that aligns all efforts toward achieving their mission and goals. During this session, we'll cover:

  • Strategic planning using 6 critical questions -
  1. Why do we exist?
  2. How do we behave?
  3. What do we do?
  4. How will we succeed?
  5. What’s most important right now?
  6. Who must do what?
  • Resources available for you to share with your team
  • Q&A with Riwka Hagen and Dr Jaspreet Saini

Can't attend LIVE? Register anyway and we will send you a link to the recording after the live session.

Event details

Sept 24, 2024


07:30 pm - 08:30 pm






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